Workers Compensation for a Walmart Order Filler*

No-one expects to end up in surgery in a hospital because of a workplace injury, but workplace accidents happen every day across the U.S. They don’t just happen in typically risky workplaces like forestry operations, mining and farms, but can happen in places like Walmart stores, too. If you are a Walmart employee and are injured while at work, you are entitled to claim workers’ compensation. A successful claim should cover all your medical expenses and compensate for any time you have to spend at home or receiving treatment.

Some claims are challenged by either the employer or the insurer and may be denied or the amount reduced. This is why you should use a workers’ compensation attorney to provide advice before submitting a claim and especially if you need to make an appeal after a denied claim.

Possible Workplace Injuries if You Work as a Walmart Order Filler

An order filler at Walmart is one of those jobs that is an essential cog in the Walmart wheel, but not usually obvious to Walmart customers. Order fillers are responsible for filling online orders, getting the items that have been requested from wherever they are located, ensuring they are packed properly and taking them to the place where a delivery vehicle is located in or around the warehouse or distribution center.

There is a range of possible injuries. Order fillers could suffer from back injuries from heavy lifting. They may be hit or hurt by the use of equipment that jams or is faulty. They could be in the path of a forklift driver who doesn’t see them until too late. They could suffer from a slip, trip or fall injury anywhere in their job location. Injuries sustained as an order filler may require just first aid or extensive surgery and ongoing medical treatment. They could mean a day off work right through to several weeks or even months off work for a serious injury.

Workers Compensation for a Walmart Order Filler*

A Walmart Order Filler Workers Compensation Payment After a Workplace Accident

Order fillers earn around $17 an hour on average at Walmart. Because of the range of possible injuries is so extensive it is best to use an example of how a WC payment could be calculated. Let’s say that the employee is struck by a faulty machine part while packing an order. The injury means that the employee needs urgent medical attention and follow up treatment.

The absence from work is two weeks (8 days). At $17 an hour for 64 hours (8 days at 8 hours a day) the earnings component of a WC payment would be around 64 x 17 = $1,088. Most states reduce the actual WC payment for lost wages to two thirds of what might have been earned, so this takes the earning s component, assuming the claim is accepted to $720. On top of that, all medical expenses should be covered by the final WC payment.

Why it Makes Sense to Use a WC Attorney

It doesn’t make sense to avoid using a WC attorney. Most attorneys provide free initial legal advice and it is sensible to discuss your injury and possible compensation before submitting a claim. If you do need to make an appeal, it would be difficult without an attorney’s help. Legal fees are delayed in most cases until a final WC payment is made.

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