If you are employed by Kaiser Permanente, you are covered by workers’ compensation while you are on the job. All jobs have inherent risks, so even if you are adhering to all the safety protocol you could suffer injuries that require ongoing medical care and that lead to extensive time off work.
While state laws regarding workers’ compensation claims vary, workers’ comp includes medical benefits and covers about two-thirds of your lost wages.
There are countless ways that you can be hurt while you are on the job. You may be working in the maintenance department when you suffer an electrical shock while trying to repair a piece of equipment or machinery.
You may have tripped on a stairwell and suffered a broken ankle that will leave you unable to work for several weeks. You could be traveling from one location to another as an agent or a manager when you were involved in a car crash that caused serious injuries.
Evidence You Should Collect For A Claim Against Kaiser Permanente
If you have been injured while on the job at Kaiser Permanente, you will need to gather evidence to support your claim. If you are physically able to do so, get photos of the accident scene. You should ask all witnesses to provide written statements regarding what they saw.
Also, get the names of witnesses along with contact details. Check to see if a surveillance camera in the vicinity may have caught the entire incident on video.
Establish medical care right away so the injury can be connected to the accident. The longer you delay treatment, the more difficult it will be to prove that your injuries happened while you were on the job at Kaiser Permanente. You should keep copies of medical bills and medical records to support your workers’ compensation claim.
Consult With A Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you were hurt while on the job at Kaiser Permanente, you should talk with a workers’ compensation attorney who handles workplace injury cases in your state. With the help of a lawyer, you are much more likely to have your claim for benefits approved. Workers’ compensation claims are challenging, and each state has very specific deadlines. Your lawyer will make sure your claim is handled in a timely and efficient manner.
When you hire a workers’ compensation lawyer, you will not pay anything out of pocket. Instead, your attorney will take the claim on a contingency basis, which means that your lawyer will not get paid until you are awarded benefits and your claim has been won. Schedule your free case review today, so you can make sure your workers’ compensation claim against Kaiser Permanente gets underway before time runs out.
Additional Resources
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Kaiser Permanente or any other entity, you may not be entitled to compensation.