Whatever company you are working for there is always a chance you could have an accident. At UPS you might be sorting packets, loading them onto a UPS truck or actually driving the truck and an accident could take place. If this does happen to you the first thing you need to do is to gather convincing evidence to prove the accident happened while you were at work. You will need this when you submit your application for workers’ compensation. You stand to gain two thirds of your weekly wage and all your medical treatment costs if you get a WC lawyer to help you through the process of filing a WC claim. Accidents That Can Happen at UPS It is possible for workers to be injured while working at UPS. Often, accidents happen due to the time given to complete a job like carrying goods to be put in a UPS truck whether it is by hand or using a forklift. It is possible to be hit by a forklift or trip and fall over packages left where they are not easy to see. If a worker gets injured driving a UPS truck it could be due to a number of factors such as poorly loaded truck, speeding, poor UPS truck maintenance, driver fatigue and reckless driving. Because workers’ compensation is a no fault type of insurance, as long as the injury took place at work, a worker should be eligible to claim WC. If drugs or alcohol helped to cause the accident then it is possible that WC could be denied. Evidence You Should Collect The most importance evidence to collect is anything which can directly support your claim that the accident happened at work. This could include any or all of the following: eye witnesses’ statements; medical records showing the type of treatment and prescriptions issued; evidence showing the UPS truck was faulty; photographs taken at the accident scene; photographic evidence on nearby security cameras, if available. Once your claim has been approved you can expect to receive two thirds of your weekly wage and the full cost of medical treatment until you return to work. How a Workers’ Comp. Lawyer Can Help If you have been injured or traumatized by your accident you will need to submit your claim for workers’ comp. as soon as possible before you start to experience financial hardship. The best action for you to take is to talk to a WC lawyer who is familiar with the claims process and will try to get yours processed as soon as possible. Disclaimer*: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against UPS or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation. Additional Resources Injured While Working for UPS? Who Is Covered Under UPS’s Workers’ Compensation?