Burger King is one of America’s largest fast food restaurant chains with outlets across North America. Many young people start their working lives in a Burger King. Every day there are accidents amongst workers at Burger King which range from relatively minor to quite severe. Burger King is legally required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover the company in the event that one of their employees is injured at work. All U.S. states, with the exception of a very few, have workers’ compensation laws that ensure that big employers like Burger King are responsible for their workers’ safety at work. If you have been injured while working for Burger King, you may be entitled to claim compensation, but because of Burger King’s insurer’s policy of playing hardball with WC claims you may need the help of a WC lawyer. What is an Average Burger King WC Claim? Most injuries at Burger King are related to the safety risks in a fast food restaurant. Typical injuries include burns, scalding, cuts, broken bones and joint injuries if there has been a slip and fall or electrocution. Burger WC claims typically include the cost of medical treatment, a percentage of lost wages and possibly other payments if the injured employee cannot return to their job due to the severity of the injury. It is hard to give an accurate amount for Burger King WC claims as there is such a huge range of injuries and consequent compensation settlements. A minor burn injury to the hand that means a couple of weeks away from work might involve just a few thousand dollars in compensation. However, a major slip and fall accident could cause an irreversible spinal or brain injury that could incapacitate an employee for the rest of their life, leading to a claim for millions of dollars. Burger King Workers’ Compensation Settlement The most important step to take after any workplace accident is to get immediate medical attention and document what treatment is required plus any related costs. The employer must be told about the accident within a stipulated time frame, which is regulated by the state in which the Burger King restaurant is located. A claim for workers’ compensation can be made when it is clear what treatment has been needed or is likely to be needed in the future. A WC claim is more likely to be accepted if documentation is provided for each step of the way. Some employers’ insurers will try to avoid paying compensation if they are not convinced that the injury happened at work. How a Settlement Might Be Calculated Most state WC settlements are based on a combination of the full medical costs involved in treating the workplace injury together with a percentage of lost wages. This is typically around two thirds of the average wage that should been earned if the employee had been able to work if it hadn’t been for the injury. Examples of a Burger King Workers’ Compensation Settlement A Burger King employee had a slip and fall accident and was injured while cleaning the restaurant. The injury was a broken finger and dislocated wrist. The injuries meant that the employee could not work for three weeks and claimed compensation for treatment for the injuries as well as three weeks wags. The costs involved were as follows: 2 X-Rays at $150 each = $300; Hospital initial consultation, remedial treatment of the injuries and one follow up session at the hospital = $ 1,250’ Three weeks wage compensation at $12 hourly wage x 36 hours x 15 days x 0.67 (two thirds of calculated wages for three weeks) = $2,160. Total claim was calculated at $300 + $1250 + $2160 = $3,710. Tips for Your Burger King Workers’ Compensation Settlement Tip#1: Get immediate medical treatment; Tip#2: Let your immediate supervisor know about the injury and how and when it happened; Tip#3: Keep as many receipts, invoices, medical treatment statements and reports as possible; Tip#4: Make your WC claim within the state’s time limit for WC claims; Consult With a Workers’ Compensation Attorney You will find that you will have a better chance of obtaining the correct amount of workers’ compensation if you use a workers’ compensation lawyer to help with preparing your claim. Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Burger King, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation. Additional Resources Do You Need a Lawyer For Your Claim? Help! I was Hurt Working for Burger King!*