If you are an employee of Lowe’s who suffered an injury while working, you might be wondering about your time limits for pursuing a workers’ compensation claim. Workers’ compensation can have a significant impact on the outcome of an injured worker’s situation because it covers medical benefits and pays a portion of lost wages. Without workers’ compensation benefits, you would have mounting medical expenses and a lack of income to cover your cost of living while you were recovering. Each state sets its own laws regarding workers’ compensation benefits, but in general, the coverage is very similar. Pursuing A Workers’ Compensation Claim Against Lowe’s The laws regarding workers’ compensation can vary from one state to another. With these differing laws come differing time lines and statutes of limitation. In some states, you might be required to report an accident to the Lowe’s where you work within a week, but in other states you might have six months. To pursue a claim, the timeframe might vary as well. You might have 90 days to pursue a claim or you might have one year. By missing a deadline, you could lose access to these benefits that can significantly impact your life during such a challenging time. Check The State Laws Where Your Lowe’s Store Is Located You should check your state laws regarding workers’ compensation. There should be a poster in your place of employment that details your state workers’ comp laws as well. Lowe’s human resources or your supervisor should also be able to provide you with details regarding the workers’ compensation claims process. A workers’ compensation attorney in your state would be able to help you throughout the claims process and will make sure all deadlines are met accordingly. The claims process is very detailed and specific forms must be completed accurately and the deadlines must be met. What You Need to Know if You Were Hurt as a Lowe's* Employee Workers' Compensation for a Bad Back from Working at Lowe's* *Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Lowe’s or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.