If you are employed at Walmart part-time and you are injured on the job, you can still pursue a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation covers all the company’s employees, regardless of whether they work full-time or part-time.
If the accident happened while the employee was on the job, he or she is covered by workers’ compensation and is eligible to file a claim. While each state sets its own laws regarding workers’ compensation, most employers across the U.S. must maintain the insurance coverage to protect the company and its workers in the event of an occupational disease or workplace injury.
Filing A Walmart Workers’ Compensation Claim
When you are injured on the job at Walmart, you will need to get medical care right away. There should be a list of approved medical providers posted in a prominent location. If you don’t see this list, you should ask a supervisor. You want to see a physician from the list, so your medical care is covered by workers’ compensation.
In addition, you will need to formally report your injury to your employer. This might be done in writing or verbally, depending on state laws. Usually, you will speak with human resources or your manager. You will need to give a detailed statement about the accident and the details about how you were injured. Any witnesses should give statements as well.
Walmart Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Workers’ compensation benefits are standard. Workers’ comp includes medical benefits, which cover the costs of all your medical care for treating your injuries. Workers’ compensation also covers about two-thirds of your regular salary while you are unable to work because of your injury. To receive workers’ compensation benefits, you will need to prove that your injury happened on the job.
You will have to give a statement detailing what happened. Any witnesses should also give statements regarding what they saw and how you were hurt. Corroborating witnesses who can back up your claims are very beneficial when you are pursuing workers’ compensation benefits. You should maintain evidence and documentation to support your claim.
Pursuing A Claim For Walmart Workers’ Compensation Benefits
There are specific deadlines and strict statute of limitations for pursuing workers’ compensation benefits for an accident at Walmart. The deadlines vary from one state to another, but you might just have a few days to report the incident and a year or less to file a claim. Failing to meet these time requirements could lead to your claim being dismissed.
Consult With A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
If you have been injured while working part-time at Walmart, you should consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer. To get your claim on the right track, complete the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page to have your details shared with a workplace injury lawyer in your area.
Now is the time to get your Walmart workers’ compensation claim on the right track, so you can access the benefits that you need.
Additional Resources
- Workers' Compensation Help After a Walmart* Work Accident
- Do I Need a Lawyer If I Am Preparing a Claim Against Walmart*?
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Walmart or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.