To make ends meet, you work two jobs. You were performing your work duties one night when you suffered an injury in a workplace accident. Because of that injury, you are unable to work. You have filed a claim for workers’ compensation benefits to cover the costs of medical expenses and to cover a portion of lost wages. Because of the injury at one job, you are unable to work either job. Are you just going to receive a portion of your wages at the job where the accident took place or will having a second job affect the amount of weekly compensation you receive? Multiple Jobs Can Affect Workers’ Comp Benefits While you might only receive workers’ compensation benefits for the job where you were hurt, having multiple jobs can affect your workers’ comp claim. With the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state, you might be able to receive higher workers’ comp weekly benefits. To receive benefits based on the income from both of your jobs, you will need to prove three factors. You will have to show that you had more than one job. This can be proven with a W-2, pay-stubs, or a letter from the other employer. Secondly, you must prove that the place of employment where you were injured was aware of your other job. Then last, you must show that the employer where you were injured did not object to you having the second job. If all three factors can be proven, you can ask that the combined income from all your jobs be used when the workers’ compensation insurer calculates to determine your average weekly wage for benefits. The Workers’ Compensation Claims Process All workers’ compensation claims can be challenging. If you have a claim where you want your benefits to based on the income from more than one job, your claim is much more likely to have some resistance. You will need to enlist the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer who is licensed to practice in your state, so he or she is familiar with the laws there. Your odds of a successful claim increase significantly with an lawyer aggressively pursuing your claim. Specific documents must be completed and filed and strict deadlines must be met. Failing to meet a deadline could lead to a loss of benefits. Consult With A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer If you suffered an injury at work, but you have more than one job and want your workers’ compensation benefits to be based off the income of the jobs all combined, you should consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer. Workers’ compensation lawyers work on a contingency basis, so you have nothing to lose. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page and a lawyer in your area will review the details of your case. After talking with you, the lawyer will be able to determine the best way to proceed with your workers’ compensation claim. Additional Resources What Does Workers' Compensation Cover? How Do I Calculate What I Can Receive From Workers' Comp?