Workers’ compensation claims are challenging. You must seek medical care from an approved provider, and you must make sure that physician puts all medical restrictions in writing. You cannot be paid for your time off from work if you don’t have a medical note from a physician indicating that you are unable to do so. However, if your physician indicates your restrictions only allow you to do light duty work, and your employer has no light duty work you can do, you will be able to receive two-thirds your regular pay through workers’ compensation just as if you were not allowed to work at the time. Workers’ Compensation Benefits Workers’ compensation claims can be challenging. You will need to show that you were injured while on the job. You will also need to seek care from an approved medical provider who is in the network for the workers’ compensation insurer. If you seek care from an unapproved provider, you could have your claim denied and lose medical benefits. Workers’ compensation benefits can make a big difference if you have mounting medical bills and are unable to bring home a paycheck to cover the costs of basic living expenses for your family. Pursuing a Workers’ Compensation Claim You will need to notify your employer of your injury right away. Letting your supervisor know what happened is imperative for your claim’s success. You must follow proper procedure based on your state law for filing a claim. You will also need to make sure everything is properly documented. Your employer will be required to complete an accident report detailing your accident and your injury, so you will need to jot down notes while the incident is still fresh in your mind so you can relay the facts for the report. The Claims Process Depending on your state, you will either file the claim directly with your employer or with the state agency that oversees workers’ compensation claims. Every state has specific guidelines and timeframes. As an example, you may have anywhere from 3 days to 30 days to report your injury. You might have anywhere from a few weeks to a year after the injury occurred to pursue a workers’ compensation claim against your employer. Failure to meet a deadline can lead to your claim’s dismissal. Consult With a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer To make sure your claim is filed in a timely manner, and to make sure all paperwork is completed properly, consult with a workers’ compensation attorney. You want a workplace injury lawyer who is licensed in your state, so you can have the representation that you need when you need it most. To ensure your claim gets on the right track, complete the Free Case Evaluation Form today and let a workers’ compensation attorney in your area review the details of your case. Additional Resources How Long Do I Have To Be Out Of Work To Get Workers’ Comp? What is Modified Work?