Workers’ Compensation for Injured Demolition Technicians Workers’ compensation was created to help employees who are injured on the job while also protecting employers. A kind of insurance, it is designed to provide medical benefits and cover wages lost because the employee’s inability to work because of the on-the-job injury. In exchange for these benefits, the employee’s rights to sue his or her employer for negligence are eliminated. If you are hurt on the job, your family could face serious financial difficulties. Because of your injury, you may not be able to work for a considerable amount of time. Your family depends on your paycheck to cover basic living expenses. You will also need the proper medical care so you can make a full recovery. This special program is designed to provide those things to you so you can rest assured that your family will not be placed in a bind. Physical Risks Faced by a Demolition Technician As a demolition technician, you have a demanding job that puts you at risk for injuries. If you operate a crane or heavy equipment, you can be hit by falling debris. If you are part of the ground crew, you can be struck by debris from a demolition that does not go as planned. You can also slip and fall from high distances as you prepare a structure for demolition. Another risk you may face is the result of the use of explosives. You could even be involved in a crash in the company vehicle on your way to a demolition. The risk of injury are everywhere in the field, and it is only fair that you are protected in the event that one of these unfortunate accidents happen to you while you are on the clock. If You Are Injured at Work If you are hurt on the job, there are several things to do. As a demolition worker, other workers’ lives may be put at risk. If at all possible, send out some kind of warning so they will be aware of your situation and where you are located. Tell them where your injuries are and wait for medical attention. Get immediate medical attention. A fellow employee should call an ambulance if you are immobile or if severe bleeding is involved. Many employers have a list of workers’ comp physicians available for employees. If there is a list and you are being transported by private vehicle, you should go to one of the doctors on the list. You also need to make sure that your supervisors are aware of what occurred so an accurate report is made. Contact a Workers’ Comp Attorney Workers’ comp insurance can be difficult to deal with. To ensure your rights are protected, you have access to the proper medical care, and you get the compensation you deserve, you should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney who will work on your behalf. An attorney will make sure the accident report was properly completed, your claim is properly paid, and fight for you if the insurer tries to deny your claim.