Are you an Anchorage, Alaska resident who was injured on the job? Have your work duties led to the diagnosis of an occupational disease? If either is true, you might be able to file a claim to recover workers' compensation benefits. While each state does set laws regarding workers' compensation, most employers in the U.S. must maintain the coverage to protect themselves and workers in such situations. Workers' compensation includes medical benefits and covers a portion of lost wages. How Many Workers' Compensation Attorneys Are in Anchorage? When a worker has become ill or been injured, workers' compensation benefits can be very helpful. As of March 2018, Avvo reported that Anchorage had 36 workers' compensation attorneys. When dealing with a workers' comp. claim, you want a lawyer licensed to practice in the state where you live so you can have representation in court should your claim advance to that level. You also want an attorney familiar with local and state laws regarding workplace incidents. What Can An Anchorage Workers' Compensation Attorney Do For My Claim? Workers' compensation claims are challenging. Sometimes benefits are stopped. At other times, claims are just outright denied. To get benefits reinstated or to an appeal a denied claim, a lawyer is needed. As an example, you were loading a truck at work when you slipped and fell, suffering a back injury. Your employer learns that you had a prior back surgery so your claim is denied and they allege your situation is pre-existing. A lawyer will gather up evidence and documentation supporting your claim and argue that your new injury led to the problems and workers' comp. benefits are warranted. Without an attorney, the odds of a successful appeal decrease greatly. Where Are Courthouses in Anchorage? Claims are pursued in different courts. Where your employer is located, the nature of the claim, and where the accident took place all play a role. Here are some local courthouses where different kinds of cases are heard. Nesbett Courthouse 825 W 4th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Alaska District Court 709 W 9th Street Juneau, AK 99801 Monday - Tuesday, 7:25 a.m. - 4:25 p.m., Wednesday - Sunday, 6:25 a.m. - 3:25 pm. Kenai Courthouse 125 Trading Bay Road Kenai, AK 99611 Monday - Thursday, 7:30 am. - 4:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Your lawyer will make sure your claim is filed in the right court. With a lawyer, time and resources are put to good use to ensure your claim is on the right track. Speak With A Workers' Compensation Attorney Today! In Alaska, workers have two years from the accident date or two years from the date of the last payment to pursue a workers' compensation claim. If you wait too long, you lose those benefits. Complete the information request form on this page to have your details shared with an Anchorage workers' compensation lawyer. Your case will then be reviewed and you can talk with the attorney and determine how to proceed. Schedule your free initial review today! Get your workers' compensation claim on the right track so you can access the benefits that you need in this challenging time. Additional Resources Denied Workers’ Compensation in Alaska? Workers' Compensation in Alaska