Are you a resident of Omaha who was injured on the job? Has ongoing exposure to inhalants and toxins led to the diagnosis of an occupational disease? Filing a workers' compensation claim might be in order. While every state sets its own laws, workers' compensation insurance is maintained by most U.S. employers. Workers' compensation includes medical benefits and covers a portion of lost wages while the worker is unable to perform his or work duties. Additional benefits, such as a settlement for disabilities or vocational retraining might also be included in the benefits package. How Many Workers' Compensation Attorneys Are In Omaha? As of March 2018, Avvo reported that Omaha had 157 workers' compensation attorneys while the state of Nebraska had 321. Of course, those numbers might be slightly off. You want an attorney who is licensed in Omaha, Nebraska so he or she can represent you in court if the case advances that far. Also, a local lawyer understands the local legal system and is familiar with local and state laws. You want to make sure you have thorough representation and that your rights are fully protected throughout the claims process. What Can An Omaha Workers' Compensation Attorney Do For Me? If you have been involved in a work-related accident or suffer from an occupational illness, you can benefit greatly from the help of a workers' compensation attorney. Your claim may face the possibility of being denied or your benefits could be stopped. You will then need a lawyer to file an appeal and help you access your benefits. As an example, you were working in a restaurant when you slipped and hit your neck on the floor causing a herniated disc. Your claim, however, is denied because your employer knows that you had a previous surgery on your neck for a disc problem. Your lawyer will file an appeal, gather up evidence and documentation and help you get your claim back on track. Without a lawyer, your chances of success drop significantly. Where Are Courthouses in Omaha? Different claims are pursued in different courts. Where the employer is located and where the accident took place play a major role in where your claim should be filed. Here are some local Omaha courthouses: Douglas County District Court 1701 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68183 Sarpy County Courthouse 1210 Golden Gate Drive Papillion, NE 68046 US Hearings and Appeals Office, Federal Courthouse 9239 W Center Road #12 Omaha, NE 68124 Your attorney will ensure your claim is filed in the right court. Speak With A Workers' Compensation Attorney Today! When you complete the information request form on this page, your details will be forwarded to a local workers' compensation attorney. That attorney will review the details of your case and determine how to proceed so your claim can get on track. In Nebraska, there is a two-year statute of limitations for pursuing a claim after an accident or the last medical or indemnity payment. Get your free case evaluation today so you can get your claim on track! Helpful Resources Applying for Workers' Comp in Nebraska Denied Benefits in Nebraska?