Amazon has earned a reputation for being the biggest online global retailer. It employs up to 300,000 workers throughout the world in a variety of jobs ranging from desk jobs to warehouse jobs where heavy packages are packed and moved from place to place. The shifts take place throughout the day and night. Accidents are commonplace, so there are many workers who seek worker’s comp. to relieve the burden of lost wages and to cover the cost of medical treatment. Fortunately, Amazon covers its employees with worker’s compensation so payments are the responsibility of the insurer. When you submit your claim a precise formula is used to calculate the value of your WC claim. Injuries That Could Occur at Amazon Many products that pass through Amazon warehouses are heavy and too awkward to move around without the assistance of machines, like forklifts. This presents the chance of many accidents taking place due to the hazards in an Amazon warehouse. The sorts of injuries that are most prevalent are: head injuries from packages falling from shelves; back injuries from trip, slip and fall hazards and falling from a height; broken limbs from accidental contact with forklifts. Filing a WC Claim for an Injury at Amazon If you believe you have the evidence to prove your injury took place in your Amazon workplace in order to qualify for worker’s compensation you are normally required to inform your supervisor within 24 hours of the accident taking place. You may be asked by Amazon’s WC insurer to provide the proof that the accident took place while you were at work at Amazon. If the insurer believes the accident happened somewhere else it will be reluctant to pay worker’s comp. unless you have the proof available to show it happened while you were working. Once you have the proof the insurer will process the claim. Some companies are quicker than others i processing a WC claim. Calculating What a Spinal Injury WC Claim Might be Worth Typically when a workers’ compensation claim is calculated by Amazon’s WC insurer, 2/3 of your weekly pay is paid for a specific period of time. If your disability is going to be permanent the WC payment will be calculated differently. An Amazon worker on average earns $13.50 an hour for a 40 hour working week, which is $540. The worker’s comp. payment is likely to be $360 per week. Added to this amount are the medical expenses for all medical treatment. Depending on the state, this compensation may be paid for up to between 3 and 7 years, unless the injury is permanent, where there is no time limit fixed. A Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help You With Your Claim Amazon’s worker’s comp. insurer does not necessarily willingly pay out benefits. For example, if you have missed the state’s statute of limitations you may find it is almost impossible to claim. If you talk to a worker’s comp. attorney as soon as possible after your accident you have a higher chance of winning the worker’s comp. you deserve. *The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Amazon, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.